The Outlook

This isn't for the sensitive

T.I. and his Legal Woes

By now, most are aware of TI’s arrest on gun charges.

I like T.I. I won’t lie about that. I think he’s good at what he does, from what I can gather he’s not fake like a lot of rappers are (pretending to be from the hood, pretending to have had it rough growing up) and he seemed like a smart businessman. He was really doing his thing, moving in to acting (ATL, and American Gangster comes out Nov 2) and unlike a lot of rappers turned actors, he was doing good.

Then he goes and buys some machine guns. There are a few issues around this I want to address.

Firstly, he’s a father. He’s a father like 7 times over. I heard an interview with him where he comes down on parents who allow BET to raise their children. Fathers don’t go out and endanger their children purposefully. Buying machine guns? With silencers? Man. That’s dangerous.

Secondly, he’s a role model. I’m so sick and tired of rappers refusing the title of role model. Look — you got 13 year olds who know your lyrics better than you do. Better than they know their ABCs. You are a role model. There are consequences and repercussions to everything; being a role model is one of them in this case. Do better.

Thirdly, I don’t like stupid people and on this one, TI was stupid. What in the world did he need assault rifles for? What war is he starting and who’s army is he leading? Let’s get it together.

Finally… his bodyguard snitched him out. I’m not big on the “Stop Snitching” campaign, but you know what? If your boss asks you to do something illegal for him and you don’t want to, quit. I mean now that TI’s been arrested, he’s out of a job ANYWAY. I hope this man is ready for what’s gonna happen, now. Snitches get stitches, and as wrong as that phrasing is, it’s all too true these days.

October 17, 2007 - Posted by | Ok. That was stupid, What in sam hell is going on?!

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